Archive for the Hectic Category

SoLi.. SoLi

Posted in Busy, Hectic, Nikah, Soli, wedding on December 19, 2007 by Jablaii

Hey.. sorry for not updating me blogs.. duh~ as if you guys interested jua.. haha..

Neways I’ve been busy since last week preparing for my sis menerima berian and nikah this week.. oh shoot, its 2 more days to go. I’ve been very very busy and i don’t even know apa yang ku busy kan atu hehehe.. eh ada, like rite now i am cutting the heart shape yang ku designed for the hantaran numbers. Lawa kali ah ku designed, mesti ku muji diri sendiri sal stress ni masa ani, banyak lagi alum bergunting. The balasan hantaran ada dalam gangsa and i just cut 2 numbers.. way to go jablaii.. 24 numbers to go.. @#$*#.!!

oh yeah and last Sunday i sat for the BMR written test. The questions was so easy, i mean i’ve read the malay part of the Acts and penal code for BMR but yang keluar soalannya was in English. Ok jua lah soalannya atu, i dont want to be over confident dulu cos maybe bukan aku yang durang pilih. It was more than 100 orang sat for the test atu..

I will update more latest songs after my sis nikah. Her Big wedding will be next year so it will be hectic day and month for us again Next January 2008.

To my friends yang balik-balik kan bawa ku melepak atu, sorry inda dapat join you guys cos i have better things to do at home rather than melepak hehehe.. I will join you guys melepak nanti, okay? hope you all understand.

Hectic Month

Posted in Hectic, Nikah on December 8, 2007 by Jablaii

December is gonna be a hectic month for me and my family. My sis is getting married this month, erm actually its a nikah and menerima berian saja for this month and they will have their berbedak, bersanding and malam berambil-ambilan early February, next year. Obviously i am responsible for the invitation cards, catering and the campurs (gifts).

Oh Man, 2 weeks lagi the event ani and alum lagi ku habis siap ngantar the invitation cards. Like I don’t know di mana rumah my cousin-cousin ani, maksudku atu cousin yang bukan dekat-dekat. And i need to count all the campurs again just to make sure if it is enough for the invited guests. And i need to make a list kad-kad jemputan yang sudah ku hantar, takut mengantar balik-balik lagi.

I have an appointment lagi this 13th at the hospital, boring ku sudah eh like every 2 weeks mesti check up di hospital for my kidney and my lungs condition. And next week i have a written test for the job as BMR. Mesti ku belajar banar-banar nie cos i really wanna get this job. The salary is so F high, elaunsnya tinggi. Damn, mudahan tah ku dapat. But.. but.. but if ku pass written test pun, i still need to undergo the fitness test, which is a test macam polis and the army.. and im not that fit enough.. arrrgghhh stress eh 😦