Archive for the cikgu Category

Happy Teachers Day

Posted in cikgu, Teachers Day on September 23, 2007 by Jablaii

Brunei will be celebrating Teachers Day every year on the 23rd September just one day after my birthday. Senang jua orang ingat the date of my birthday tu, before teachers day. Erks lagi-lagi my buttday hehehe.. Aku kan post sal Teachers day wah nie. I was looking and searching for the teacher’s day theme this year but inda ku tahu and alum kena revealed. Maybe the celebration is after Puasa or during hari raya, i think. But there’s a mass prayer and bertahlil held at every masjid last 22nd September (my birthday lagi). Ok i got the info from Roseh, she said on the 27th October will be the celebration day for the teachers day but formally 23rd September is Teachers day.

Roseh told us that The Sheraton Hotel, i think at the tamu sungkai buffet restaurant bagi 30% discount to a teacher, any teachers ler in Brunei, on the occasion of the teachers day. So TEACHERS out there, go sungkai at Sheraton Hotel. Tapi kan how would they know that the person is really a teacher? do they ask for a Teacher’s ID.. ermm do the teachers has an ID? I might as well datang and pretend to be a teacher and everyone can always say they are a teacher, inda ja?

To all my friends yang jadi guru esp you Roseh, Nani, errr and yang lain and also to my previous teachers at SM SMJA, Cikgu Norashimah, Cikgu Malai Rabiah, Cikgu Daud, errr aduh banyak nama-nama cikgu yg ku lupa.. Happy Teachers day to you and of course my first teacher at home, my mummy or mother.. Happy Teachers day to you and without you, i wont be talking and knowing all kind of stuffs in this world. Love u momeh..