Archive for the lonely Category


Posted in ambuyat, cicah, Food, lonely on September 7, 2007 by Jablaii

No one wants to be alone, not even me, but today I am alone.

~~ Lonely.. im mister lonely, I have nobody, for my own. I’m so lonely, I’m mister lonely, for my own. I’m so lonely ~~

Call me Mister lonely, like i care.. I used to be lonely for quiet sometime. Been there, done that. That is me…

Today aku lonely pun sekajap saja. My mom, my elder bro and his wife went to Miri tadi pagi. My sister went out with her friends, biasa lah ia atu, orang kan kawin this November, mesti jua berabis kan jalan sama kawan-kawannya. My other brother keraja. So yang tinggal di rumah just me and the amahs and ofcourse my small nephew, baru jua setahun. Usually lapas sembahyang Juma’at, mesti kena sediakan lunch but hari ani inda. No one masak, my amah ofcourse inda pandai masak, so nada makanan lah.

My stomach growl balik-balik tanda lapar lah tu sal tadi pagi pun alum ku breakfast. I asked my amah if there’s something to eat but she said nada.. “abang kan pandai masak, ya masak aja lah”. “aah kamu ni, saya lagi capek, malas nak masak”. Its true when i feel tired, i don’t have the mood to cook. When i open the fridge, i saw lots of food yang dapat di masak but malas wah rasanya kan masak atu, i wanna eat yang simple saja. Instant noodle?? no way, i don’t really eat that food, if desperate, barangkali but I’m not that desperate. So i saw ambulong (Sago). One of my favorite food jua. Apa lagi, ambuyat is simple to make. Before menumpah ambulong, i made the cicah which is simple saja, tempoyak (durian that has been preserved for 12 days, i think :S) campur binjai and limau kasturi plus lada padi.

cicah.jpg        ambuyat.jpg
—————-(cicah ambuyat) —————————————- (Ambuyat)

Yeah yeah i know, if makan ambuyat beramai-ramai lagi siuk, berebut.. i have to agree pulang tu but ani kira aku lonely, nada kan di makan. makan ambuyat sorang-sorang pun siuk jua, inda kana rebuti, cicahnya nda kajap abis, so ok laah makan ambuyat sorang-sorang ani.

Ok most of my readers are from Indonesia and they might not know what is ambuyat and might be wondering what the hell i am eating (like the picture above). It is call ‘ambuyat’. Ambuyat is a traditional local dish. Ambuyat has been exist in the country since the world war 2, early 1940’s. 87% Bruneians eat ambuyat and this food sudah pun di masukkan di dalam menu-menu restaurant di Brunei, however not all Bruneians eat ambuyat, especially the youths, this is because they are not a pure Bruneian or they disgust by the look of the food, sad huh hahaha..

Ambuyat is ambulong, ambulong is a sago starch. Tepung sago di ambil dari pokok Rumbia or the sago palm (ok this one im not really sure hehe). Looks like a gum huh but hey if you come to brunei, you guys should try eat the ambuyat with the cicah (Sauce of the ambuyat). The cicah is very hot and spicy, not all lah, just my cicah is spicy and hot. Ada cicah tempoyak, cicah binjai, cicah cincalok dan macam-macam lagi. Coba laah..